Friday, April 16, 2010

Chief Justice VS NAB

Chief Justice Iftikhar Choudhary has said that NAB grabs the poor man like a butcher grabs a chicken, yet it does nothing when it comes to a Senator. He has ordered action to be taken against lawyers who take money after giving the impression that they have certain judges under their control. He has also summoned the Chairman of NAB. NAB was essentially created so that there would be no one who would be above the law so with the passage of time it transformed into the anti-corruption bureau. Ironically, it seems to be the most corrupt department inside the Pakistani government. From sitting idly by as money is transferred to Swiss accounts, to making sure every MNA gets a chunk of the tax-payers’ money for his own personal petrol mileage, the institution itself has turned into nothing more than a joke. But talking strictly in terms of the judiciary, corruption is spread not only to judges but also lawyers. Many of them refuse to become judges just so that they will not lose the payroll of the darker side. Senator Babar Awan’s name also appears to be included in this group of people. As far as I can make of the Judiciary in Pakistan, it seems that the elite has become quite clean. I mean it is not the judicial coup that Musharraf thought would happen if Justice Iftikhar was reinstated. It seems that the man is back with a will to change the system. From ordering letters to be written to the Swiss courts to making sure that the entire judicial system is clean, the road seems long and tough.

On a lighter note, Babu Baraal, a renowned comedian has made a statement that he is tired of load-shedding and wishes it would stop so that his life would stop being miserable as well. As far as I make of it, shortage of electricity has made the comedian lose of all his jokes. There are two types of actors in Pakistan. The first make people laugh, the second make them cry. It seems that everyone in the second category has taken up office in the government.